Yesterday we told you that workers of republic Bank branches here took strike action over failure of the institutionโ€™s management to arrive at a new collective agreement.

The workers, represented by the Bank and General Workers Union (BGWU), were back on the picket line today, complaining of being frustrated over the long-haul of negotiations, griping itโ€™s time for a settlement.

They brandish placards, and sang songs, chanting and drumming, showing their dissatisfaction.

Well, the Republic Group has sent out a release saying informing the company has always recognized their employeesโ€™ right to freedom of association and the right to be organized and bargain collectively, through the Unions which represent them as defined by the International Labour Organizationโ€™s (ILO) Conventions 87 and 98.

Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited and the Bank and General Workersโ€™ Union have been engaged in mediation talks before the Labor Minister since January 2023, over a breakdown in negotiations for a new Collective Agreement for the period commencing January 1, 2020.

During the course of the mediation proceedings, the Bank says the labor Minister on March 13, 2023 verbally recommended for the consideration of the Bank and the Union, a salary increase of 12.25% over the four-year period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023.

Yesterday, the Bank received notice from the Union, of the commencement of strike action by the banks unionized staff.

Parties are yet to receive the Ministerโ€™s written recommendation, which the Bank says would have afforded it an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the same.

The release stated that itโ€™s unfortunate that industrial action has been pursued, prior to the formal conclusion of mediation proceedings by the labor Minister.

The release says the Labor Commissioner has since engaged the Bank and the Union in separate talks with a view to resolving certain matters pertaining to the negotiations within the shortest possible time.

Republic Bank (Grenada) Limited says it remains committed to reaching a timely and satisfactory resolution in the matter.


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