Wee FM News continue to monitor the Republic Bank Workers’ strike issue which we are still to be updated as to how things are progressing.

What we can tell you is that the strike action continued into its 17th day on Friday.

Information has reached us that out of talks on Wednesday, the Bank moved upwards from its offer last week of salary increases of 9.25% to 10.5% for the period 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2023.

And, it also offered to pay the workers for three days of the period they have been on the picket line, to which the workers demanded full compensation and turned down the offer.

It’s understood that on this basis the Bank’s offer of the new wage agreement was rejected, but on the corresponding matter there was no official confirmation.

When contacted, officials of the disputing sides did not immediately comment, but said it will soon dispatch an update.

Releases by both sides last week showed eagerness for a resolution.

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