Plans are in progress to stage the 2023 Carriacou Maroon and String Band Music Festival.  

Anderson “Leftist” Matheson, Coordinator of the Cultural Secretariat, is spearheading the event, along with a team of volunteers.

The festival will run from April 28- 30.

Matheson says the Secretariat will showcase the island’s rich cultural heritage, with groups from Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Union Island and mainland Grenada, participating in big drum and quadrille dancing and Shakespeare Mas.

A number of local bands will also be on stage.

Friday night’s activities will take the form of a village maroon, which will be held in the northern community of Bayaleau.

Saturday night’s event, dubbed “Cultural Explosion” will be held at the Botanical Gardens, Hillsborough.

The festival will culminate on the world-famous Paradise Beach on Sunday, April 30.

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