Preparations are underway for the 2023 Edition of the Grenada Electricity Services (Grenlec) Debates which will have participation from twenty-two secondary schools.

The Debate, a forum for the public discussion of ideas, is open to every secondary school in Grenada and Carriacou, featuring a new element, impromptu speaking.

Participation in the Debates will help students in the development of their research, analytic and public- speaking skills.

A virtual Debate orientation was hosted for eight teams earlier this month.

Grenlecโ€™s Corporate Communications Manager, Prudence Greenidge, delivering remarks at the orientation, says โ€œThe company is restarting its Debates with a new format and a new look, a โ€œnew experience, a challenge to grow.โ€

Grenlecโ€™s Corporate Communications Manager, Prudence Greenidge.

The competition will comprise of five rounds, with the Preliminaries to commence in Carriacou, September 25.


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