Several major projects will soon be  rolled out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands as the government remains committed to  reducing Grenada’s food import bill by 25% this year. The announcement was made by the  Minister for Agriculture and Lands, Forestry Economic Development and Cooperatives, Hon.  Lennox Andrews, in his contribution to the debate on the 2025 Estimates of Revenue and  Expenditure.

“Under the 10 million USD World Bank Project, we are very close to setting up the largest  farm machinery program, plans for the installation of four cold storage units geared at reducing  wastage, including plans to engage the T.A. Marryshow Community College in programs for  agricultural development at an estimated cost of seven hundred thousand dollars,” Hon. Lennox  Andrews disclosed.

Carrying the portfolio of Economic Development and Cooperatives, Minister Andrews  informed the sitting that Cabinet is now ready to take a bill to the House of Representatives for  the decriminalisation of cannabis, which he labelled as a major development.

“The policy has already been approved by Cabinet; the bill is now being prepared by the  Ministry of Legal Affairs for the decriminalisation, not legalisation, of cannabis,” Minister  Andrews clarified.

Also, in his presentation, Minister Andrews highlighted ongoing efforts to boost the  agricultural sector between the Chinese Mission and the Government of Grenada.

“With the support of the Chinese Agricultural Mission at La Sagesse under phase 8 of the  Grenada China Technical Agricultural Cooperation, a tissue culture laboratory is set to be  commissioned later this month… boosting the quantity and quality of disease-free plantlets for  farmers,” Minister Andrews added.

Another major development highlighted by Minister Andrews is the handing over of title deeds  to crown landowners who have completed payment for their allotted lands. “Some of them  have already paid for the lands, but they have no title to show; they have no plan; they have no  title… Our aim is to regularise that. It simply means we are going to give them their plan in  their hands, which states that they earn that title,” Minister Andrews stressed.

The Economic Minister described the move as economic empowerment for crown landowners:  “With that title deed, Mr. Speaker, they can now go to any financial institution and get a loan  to better their situation, be it to build, improve their conditions, or further educate their  children.”

The first batch of approximately 60 persons will receive title deeds for their lands in early April  2025.

Plans for the further development of the poultry industry were also outlined, with the Cabinet  approving a National Poultry Plan in 2024.

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