Return Of Spice Mass With New Regulations


And with Covid-19 regulations still in effect the Spice mas cooperation today, held its media launch highlighting how the festival season will unfold.

Spicemas 2022 will be held under the theme ‘The return…a celebration of life’.

An outline of the format of the various activities throughout the season was released to the media via a news conference at the National Stadium.

After 2 years of not having the festival due to the covid 19 pandemic Grenadians are now ready to enjoy themselves.

Chairman of the spice mass cooperation Arley Gill speaking at today’s launch gave an overview of the activities to be held.

Gill says a traditional variation will be added to this year’s festivity to be observed on Carnival Sunday.

Chairman of the Spicemas cooperation Arley Gill.

All events for the festival period will be for vaccinated patrons only.


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