Prime Minister, The Hon. Dickon Mitchell To Begin Series Of Townhall-Styled Engagements With Farmers And Other Marketing And National Importing Board (MNIB) Stakeholders


Prime Minister, the Hon. Dickon Mitchell will this week  begin a series of live townhall-styled engagements with farmers and other stakeholders who conduct  business or trade with the Marketing and National Importing Board (MNIB). The purpose of these  engagements is to facilitate discussion on the state of the MNIB and to chart the way forward under the  Government’s transformative agenda.

The schedule for the first round of engagements is as follows:

  1. St. Andrew’s Methodist School – Tuesday, 10th January 2023 commencing at 5:30 p.m.
  2. St. John’s Anglican School – Wednesday, 11th January 2023 commencing at 5:30 p.m. 


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