There were a series of road accidents in various parts of Grenada today. 

The owner of a red Toyota old school bus was distressed when his vehicle caught ablaze traversing Tivoli, St. Andrew area, causing a stoppage of traffic.

Firemen arrived promptly on the scene, but the vehicle was fully engulfed in flames.

That occurred at around mid-morning.

We had a report indicating that a police vehicle veered off the road and into the sea on the Western corridor in the area of Gouyave, St. John.

We have not received any reports of injuries.

We were also privy to reports of three accidents on the Westerhall Main Road.

One involved a car and a truck, in the Westerhall Point Junction, where the driver of the car which capsized, was rushed to hospital.

The truck in the process is said to have ran into wall.

While responding to that accident, members of the RGPF met in an accident themselves.

According to reports, a vehicle that attempted to evade the traffic build-up was hit by an oncoming vehicle.

Another accident, which appears to be minor on the Westerhall Main Road involved a jeep and an SUV.

Police continue to remind the Nation’s drivers to be cautious on the country’s roads.


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