The 2023 Plant Distribution Season has commenced and the Ministry of Agriculture is boasting of having over 60 thousand plants.

This was revealed at the launch of the 2023 season last Thursday.

The ministry says Farmers who have submitted applications and those with approved applications will receive calls inviting them to visit the stations and buy plants during the first week of sale (July 31 – August 4).

Senior agronomist within the ministry of agriculture and manager of the Mirabeau propagating station, Alison Haynes, made an announcement that there will be a supplementary supply of planting material available, after the distribution period, spanning from September to December.

She reminded farmers of the significance of providing proper care and attention to the propagated plants as this will significantly impact their quality and yield.

Senior agronomist within the ministry of agriculture and manager of the Mirabeau propagating station Alison Haynes.

Permanent secretary in the ministry of agriculture, Aaron François, stressed that the purpose of providing subsidies for the plants is to motivate farmers to boost their production levels.

He strongly advises farmers against re-selling the subsided plants, since doing so will defeat the intended purpose of encouraging increased agricultural output.

Permanent secretary in the ministry of agriculture, Aaron François.

The sales will run from 8 am to 1 pm daily.

For the sale of cocoa and nutmeg, approval from GCA and GCNA extension officers is required.

The general public will be able to purchase plants starting from 7th August.


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