THE JOUVERT JAB JAB CARNIVAL Vibe, like pockets of activity, witnessed yesterday, crowded the streets of Sauteurs, St. Patrick, this morning, running counter to the decision of canceled 2020 August festivity.
Carnival was canceled this year to safeguard the country against the globally-raging Coronavirus, which has the potential to devastate communities.
Considering all the odds, Grenada has been free from any community spread, and free of any major outbreak.
Grenada has recorded 24 cases of the virus, with all treated and recovered.
The last case was recorded with the arrival of a Jet Blue repatriation flight when the country’s borders were reopened.
Health officials, however, express concern at the level of gatherings that have been seen in carnival-like activities over the past few days, with people not considering COVID guidelines… no masks, no physical distancing., and a “throw-all-caution-to-the-wind” mood, associated with the carnival jump-up spirit.
The jouvert festivity in Sauteurs this morning carried a lot of anti-administration jab jab refrain.