Grenadian Olvine Holas Wins 2020 Chevening Scholarship


Olvine Holas is the Chevening Scholarship winner for Grenada.

The announcement was officially made today in a news release from the British High Commission in St George’s.

Holas won the award for Grenada joining eight other awardees across the region from Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

Resident British Commissioner to Grenada, Wendy Freeman, said and I quote “I am delighted that Olvine has been awarded a Chevening scholarship this year for Grenada.

This is heart-warmingly good news and on behalf of the British High Commission St George’s I would like to wish Olvine all the very best in his academic endeavours” Unquote.

Freeman also encouraged other Grenadians to take advantage of this opportunity when the application period opens in September.

Applications for 2021 to 2022 Chevening Scholarships will officially open on 3 September and close on 3 November 2020.

Interested persons will be able to apply at


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