St. George’s University Announces Distance Learning In January Term And Continues To Work Towards Safe Re-Entry To Campus


Today, St. George’s University announced that it will continue to provide online distance  learning for all students for the entire January 2021 term. While the goal is to eventually return  all students to campus as soon and as safely as possible, students in the School of Medicine  and School of Veterinary Medicine will continue their education exclusively via distance  learning.

The leadership of SGU considered all aspects of a potential return to campus in January but  remains concerned about the worsening status of the COVID-19 pandemic around the world  and the related increase in hospitalizations. Out of an abundance of caution for our students,  faculty, staff, the people of Grenada, and the capacity of the local health care system, SGU has

decided to maintain distance education for the January term. Students in the School of Arts and  Sciences will continue to have access to limited in-person classes. At this time, clinical students  in the U.S. and U.K. are expected to continue clerkships on site in their assigned healthcare  facilities.

SGU continues to collaborate closely with the Government of Grenada to determine the  guidelines that will eventually enable students to safely return to campus. The Government of  Grenada has proactively implemented a comprehensive public health response to combat the  spread of the virus. The Government’s response has served as a guide for SGU’s cautious  approach and we will continue to monitor the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus to  determine when conditions will allow for additional students to return to campus. In collaboration  with Government, SGU will do its part in ensuring that the risk of importing the virus remains  minimal.

SGU looks forward to reopening the campus as soon as it is safe to do so. The SGU leadership  team remains committed to meeting the needs of all of our employees through this crisis. SGU  employees will continue to receive their full pay and benefits during these challenging times. We  are hopeful about the news of an effective vaccine that may be available in time to allow us to  consider a safe return to campus for the new April 2021 starting class entry. The decision about  returning to campus for the April term will be made in late January or February.

SGU advises that any students, staff, or faculty who do return to Grenada and wish to go on  campus will be required to undergo testing, quarantine, and adherence to government and  school safety protocols before departure from their country of origin, upon arrival in Grenada, and while on campus. Furthermore, the University has implemented strict procedures to ensure  Grenada’s Public Health (COVID-19) Regulations are followed. SGU has enforced limited  access to campus facilities to help lessen the risk of infection.

“We look forward to inviting our vibrant University community to return to Grenada as soon as  the pandemic diminishes and it is safe to do so,” said Charles Modica, Chancellor of St.  George’s University. “As always, SGU remains committed to helping the Grenadian community  navigate the challenges of this global health crisis.”


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