Caribewave 2021 To Be Staged Tomorrow


The National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) is to conduct its Caribewave 2021 simulation exercise tomorrow, in the parishes of St. Mark and St. John and the Sister Isle of Carriacou.

It’s all part of a regional exercise and the Agency’s sensitization drive raising continued awareness and preparation dealing with natural and other disasters.

The 2021 exercise has been designed to give Grenada a unique opportunity to test not just the country’s response to TSUNAMIS but also to test its preparedness level, operating now in what’s considered a multi- hazardous environment.

NaDMA’s Public Relations Officer, Oslyn Crosby, says based on what transpires tomorrow, don’t be alarmed, it’s just an exercise.

Reminding individuals of the dangers of such hazards, Crosby says the Tsunami risk in the region is real and should be taken seriously.

She went on to indicate that several schools, will be among the many institutions that will be involved in tomorrow’s exercise.

With the designation of being Tsunami Smart, the Sister Isle of Carriacou is involved in the exercise as we hear from Bernice Date, the Community Programme Officer associated with NaDMA.



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