Grenada Revolution 42nd Anniversary Celebration Goes Virtual


Tomorrow, March 13, 2021, marks the 42nd year since the Grenada Revolution of 1979.

It’s habitual when this time comes around each year, despite that period came to an abrupt end in October 1983, there’s always room for reflection, with the conversation as to how the democratically-elected GULP regime of the Prime Minister, Sir Eric Matthew Gairy was overthrown.

With conditions country-wide having to deal with measures in consideration of being vigilant against COVID-19, the Grenada Revolution Celebrations’ Committee will tomorrow stage a virtual forum to mark the occasion, one which is expected to inspire great conversation, as we hear from Ruggles Ferguson.

He noted that the theme for this year’s exercise is “Celebrating the Grenada Revolution in the Times of Covid”.

It focuses specifically on the economy, health, education and people’s power.

Ruggles also tells us of two other high-powered panelists, Grenadians Dr. Sonia Nickson and Dr. Brian Francis who’ll be in on the exercise.

Ruggles says there’s room for interactive discussion as well as a variety of talent. Member of the Grenada Revolution Celebrations’ Committee, Ruggles Ferguson.



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