Busmen To March Tomorrow Over High Fuel Prices And Other Circumstances Affecting Their Trade


Word has reached us that the Nation’s busmen are to engage in a march tomorrow, griping over what they view as authorities’ blatant disregard for the struggle they endure on their daily operations.

They complain that the authorities are not really giving a listening air to their plight.

Among other things, the busmen speak of the need for a fare hike, being burdened by the constant increase in fuel prices and bad roads.

The President of the Grenville Bus Association, Abraham Munroe, says the action tomorrow morning is not a strike, since buses would be on duty as normal, but it’s a march for the public to be alerted about their plight.

Munroe says “red” is the predominant colour of their frustration which will be on show tomorrow.

Munroe says the high fuel prices are a problem, despite returning to pre-covid passenger levels after the lockdown.


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