All travellers are required to quarantine for up to 7 days.
You are not permitted to leave or receive any visitors at the location where you are quarantined until after your day 4 test results are received by Health Officials, and you have been issued an email notification that medically clears you from quarantine. This process can take as long as 7 days.
If at any time you test positive, you may be transferred to an isolation or treatment facility as determined by the Grenada Health Officials Clearance Process for Quarantine
While in quarantine on day 4 you will be swabbed for a PCR test. The results take approximately one to two days.
If the test result is negative, then and only then, will you receive official notification of clearance from Quarantine.
You are not permitted to leave the Quarantine facility or interact with any unauthorized person until this official clearance is received from the Quarantine Authority. After receiving medical clearance you must continue to self-monitor for the remaining 14 days using the self-monitoring App.
If your day 4 test is positive you will be required to remain in quarantine at a designated facility (this may be your existing quarantine facility or another based on an assessment of risk)

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