The designer of the Grenada National Flag, Anthony C. George, has died.

We understand that he passed away in the UK yesterday, the day when Grenada celebrated its 50th Independence anniversary.

George was age 86.

It is remembered that Mr. George from Soubise, St. Andrew, rose to prominence, when, as a painter, produced the remarkable feature that was given prominence being hoisted at midnight at fort George into the day of Grenada’s independence, 7th February, 1974.

George designed the Flag under the directions of Sir Eric Gairy and a committee formulated for that purpose. 

He was born on January 7, 1938.

In recognition of the venture, a street in his hometown here, on 6th February 2012, was named after him, “the A. C. George Road.

Also, in 2012, he received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal from the Governor General for community Service and Nation Building.

The Management and Staff of Wee FM extend condolences to the family of Mr. Anthony C. George and may he rest in peace.

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