The Eastern Caribbean Collective Organization for  Music Rights (ECCO) Inc. is excited to announce the immediate appointment of Ms. Shrivon Redhead as the ECCO Agent in Grenada.

In her role as ECCO Agent, Redhead will oversee the  licensing for public music use in Grenada, manage the  collection of data related to music usage, and act as the  primary liaison for music users, providing guidance on  effective music utilization.

Mr. Martin James, Chief Executive Officer of ECCO,  emphasizes that this appointment is crucial for advancing  the music industry and safeguarding music rights in  Grenada. He states that ECCO aims to enhance the

licensing of events, entities, and venues where local songwriters’ works are likely to be showcased,  ultimately generating increased returns for ECCO members in Grenada.

“We believe that having someone locally accessible to music users will expedite our efforts,” adds  James. “It is vital for music users and the creative community to interact with a familiar face for  business. We are delighted to welcome Ms. Shrivon Redhead as the ECCO Agent in Grenada.”

Redhead, who previously held the senior executive role in one of the regions telecoms entities ,  brings over seventeen years of executive management experience, with a diverse background in  consultancy, telecommunications, project management, and event management.

“At this juncture, enhancing ECCO’s visibility in Grenada is paramount,” Redhead notes. “It is  essential for music creators and users on the island to be informed about their rights and  responsibilities to foster a sustainable music business environment. Currently, much of the  business occurs outside the established legal standards, and there is an urgent need for reform.”

In her new role, Redhead is committed to achieving three primary objectives:

  1. Elevating ECCO’s visibility through public education and media engagement.
  2. Increasing the licensing of public music use in compliance with copyright law.
  3. Supporting the growth of ECCO’s membership.

ECCO warmly welcomes Ms. Redhead to its music rights team and looks forward to collaborating  with her as the organization strives to fulfill its mission of administering and protecting music  rights across the Eastern Caribbean.

As a society of music writers and publishers, ECCO operates as a Collective Management  Organization (CMO) responsible for managing performance rights and licensing public music use.  Through reciprocal agreements with CMOs worldwide, ECCO can represent and license nearly  the entire global repertoire of copyright music for public performance, broadcasting, cable  transmission, online, and mobile use.

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