The annual regional Caribewave exercise 2021, hosted by the National Disaster Management Agency (NaDMA) yesterday, is said to have realized its objective, testing communication capabilities and evacuation readiness.

The activity held in St. Mark, St. John, Grand Mal and the sister isle of Carriacou, had the participation of over two thousand-plus students and teachers.

Chief Evaluator for St. Mark, Kester Cyrus, outlined to teachers the significance of enforcing the principles executed during the exercise.

Chief CARIBWAVE Evaluator for St. Mark, Kester Cyrus.

Principal of the Bonair Government School, Terry Francis, expresses gratitude to NaDMA for its continued support raising awareness as it relates to the risks of natural hazards.

Principal of the Bonair Government School Terry Francis.

Community Programme Officer for NaDMA on the Sister Isle of Carriacou, Bernice Date, looked at the exercise there as one that was worthwhile.


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