Co-Op Bank Fundraiser Event To Kick-Off Next Week


Continuing its fundraising drive toward the re-establishment of services at the Carlton Home Rehabilitation Center for substance abusers, the Grenada Co-operative Bank (GCB) Limited will host its annual Pump it Up event.

The initiative is set to meet a 500,000-dollar target and is into its 13th year.

2021, the event will run for seven weeks beginning Monday and ending with a National Pump it Up! day Friday 30th April.

 Along with CO-OP Bank, Hubbard’s, Flow, Guardian General Insurance, Antillean Group, Coyaba Beach Resort, Waggy T Rentals and Body Image are all members of the group of benefactors in the “Pump it Up” initiative.

Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions, the Bank has taken the decision to refrain from having a physical walk this year.

In an effort to keep Pump it Up as a worthwhile marquee event in the minds of community members, Cooperative Bank is seeking to hold a series of activities focusing on simple healthy lifestyle choices.

Additionally, the Bank will air the first-ever Pump it Up video series, which seeks to raise awareness of the challenges associated with substance abuse.

In keeping with COVID-19 protocols, registration for this year’s Pump it Up also commences Monday at the Bank’s corporate website and Retail Banking Units.

This year’s Pump it Up event’s package will be sold at 15 EC dollars.



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