The Lawyer representing the Harbour Master Cruises four, Cadjeton hood, does not object to the fines handed down yesterday. 

The four pleaded guilty earlier this week to grievous harm out of the case concerning acts of violence on Grenada’s world javelin champion, Anderson Peters. 

Appearing before magistrate Teddy St. Louis, the Trinidadian nationals , John Alexander, Mikhail John, Noel Cooper and Sheon Jack, were each fined three thousand five hundred dollars for Grievous Harm to be paid forthwith and in default 1 year in prison. 

Also, on the charge of causing harm, they were fined two thousand dollars to be paid forthwith, and in default, 6 months in prison. 

Cadjeton Hood indicated that the magistrate used his best judgment in determining the punishment. 

Hood, who met with reporters, says the magistrate summed up the matter adequately. 

Considering whether the fines were justified, Hood explained the rationale in the magistrate’s discretion looking at the fact that the case did not warrant a custodial sentence.  

Now that the case surrounding the Harbor Master Four has concluded, the question was asked what will transpire concerning the arrest of the boat. 


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