Members of the media were today given a tour of the Grenada Hartman University Town and Resort Project, a multi-million dollar tourism attraction in the south of the island.

The Hartman Resort Grenada is a project under the Citizen by Investment (CBI) programme, estimated to be worth 300 million US dollars in the first phase.

Developers say so far between 6 to 8 million dollars has been spent to transform the area.

Members of the media were engaged in conversation with a local employee on the ground, speaking about his experience being employed on the site and what it has to offer.

Following the tour of the site a brief media conference was held where an outline of the project was given.

The Human Resource Manager and PR at the Mt. Hartman resort is Brenda Baptiste.

Baptiste says the company has placed a lot of emphasis on preserving the natural habitat that is found in the area, with the setting up of a Nature Conservation Fund for the perseveration of natural wild life.

The company speaks of several accolades they have already received from international companies.

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