Consultation To Be Held With Fisherfolk On Thursday


Fisherfolks and sea moss producers around the country were today engaged in in-depth discussion on the future of the industries, in relation to their livelihoods, as well as the Grenada economy.

It’s a jointly-organized consultation, called by the Ministry of Fisheries and Cooperatives, in collaboration with Senator Roderick St. Clair, who holds responsibility for Agriculture and Fisheries in the Upper Grenada Parliamentary Chamber.

The session sought to gather information that will inform strategies to better able support fisher folks and sea moss growers in the two all-important sectors.

It was addressed by the Minister of Fisheries, Yolande Bain Horsford, the Permanent Secretary Michael Stephen and Senator Roderick St. Clair, who says it was a soul-searching engagement looking at the issues, in charting the way forward.

Wee FM News touched based with Senator St. Clair, who gave us his sentiments about this morning’s gathering.

St. Clair also noted that it’s a matter of taking the fisheries sector and operations therein to another level.

St. Clair says the enthusiasm and participation among those attending the consultation are rewarding.

Agriculture and Fisheries Representative in the Grenada Senate, Roderick St. Clair, speaking to us this morning on location at the Fisheries sector consultation which was held at the Grenada Trade Centre.



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