Continuing Support For Credit Union Members


COVID-19 has impacted the lives and interests of many credit union members throughout Grenada. In response to the resulting misfortune and disruptions experienced by members and their families, credit unions have made available a variety of support measures to ease the financial burdens on members and to address related social and psychological needs.

Throughout this difficult period, members have acted sensibly and responsibly in taking advantage of the available assistance. The experience has also seen a strengthening of the bonds between members and their respective credit union.

As the negative impacts of the pandemic continue to disturb the lives of members, credit unions make a strong pledge of caring and cooperation which every member can trust in and rely on. Accordingly, members are encouraged to visit, call, engage and otherwise work with their credit unions so that appropriate forms of assistance may be agreed upon, as necessary and achievable in each case.

Members have the assurance that credit unions will maintain an open-door policy in order to facilitate their best interests.



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