St. Georgeโs: December 15, 2020:
The Ministry of Health announces that four new positive COVID-19 cases were confirmed overnight, bringing the total number of active cases to 44.
Thirty-nine (39) of those cases are related to the new cluster confirmed on December 12th.
The following is a breakdown of the current epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Grenada:
โข Five (5) of the forty-four (44) active cases are not connected to the cluster. They are imported cases and are in quarantine.
โข As of today, Tuesday, December 15th, five hundred and twenty-nine (529) locals have been tested in relation to the cluster, which has yielded thirty (30) total positive results. This number includes employees, affiliated workers and their contacts.
โข Eleven (11) guests were tested at the cluster facility. Nine (9) were confirmed positive.
โข Two hundred and twenty-two (222) further contacts are identified for testing in the coming hours and days, and that number is expected to increase as the investigations continue.
All cases and their known contacts to date, have been ordered to quarantine for a period of fourteen (14) days, as per the epidemiology of the disease.
All quarantined homes and facilities are being monitored for compliance.
The Chief Medical Officer has also directed that all individuals tested as part of this cluster, regardless of their current tests results, remain in quarantine for 14 days or until medical clearance is received from health officials. No one is allowed to visit anyone who is in quarantine.
The Chief Medical Officer reminds that the incubation period of the virus varies for each individual, therefore, a negative test result today can change to a positive result tomorrow, for anyone exposed to the virus.
COVID-19 is active in our communities and we must take every precaution to protect ourselves and our loved ones from potential exposure and contraction of the disease.
The public is reminded that in an effort to curb this outbreak, everyone must wear masks over the nose and mouth when in public spaces; wash or sanitize hands frequently; practice physical distancing of at least 6 feet from others; and adhere to the quarantine rules and the restrictions for social gatherings.
If you believe that you have been exposed to the virus, or you are displaying symptoms consistent with those of the Coronavirus, isolate yourself immediately, and contact the COVID Hotline at 473 538 4787, or your nearest health centre.
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