CSIRT Alert – Facebook Profile Purporting To Belong To Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell


The Grenada National Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT Gnd) wishes to inform the public of a Facebook profile purporting to belong to Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell (see screenshot of account hereunder) which is currently being used to phish unsuspecting Facebookers.

The bad-actor currently controlling the Facebook account in question is using the account to collect user data before sending them to engage with a fake profile impersonating Linda Thomas-Greenfield. (Thomas-Greenfield is the United States ambassador to the United Nations). From there, the unsuspecting user is exposed to a grant scam in the name of the United Nations. The organisation has warned about the scam via their website (un.org/en/about-us/fraud-alert).

The public is hereby warned about sharing personal information online without first verifying the entity requesting the same and being very cautious about sending money to people they do not know and have not verified.

Anyone needing assistance insofar as verifying content or offers found online, or for general online safety information and advice can reach out to the National Cyber Security Incident Response Team on WhatsApp and Telegram on (473) 423-2478; via email at csirtgnd@gov.gd; or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @csirtgnd.


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