Delay In Tendering Process For Works On Bishopโ€™s College


It is with regret that the Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development, Religious Affairs and Information, informs of a delay in the tendering process for the commencement of work on Bishops College.

In a recent communication to the Minister for Education, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has, however, given the assurance that the final processes from their end, would be completed by Monday Jan. 6, 2020. The Ministry has therefore put all systems in place to launch the bids on Tuesday Jan. 7, 2020, following which a contractor will be selected to facilitate the start of work.

The Ministry once again offers its profoundest apology to all stakeholders, for the unprecedented delay in the actual start of the works for Bishops College, but affirms that the delay has been the result of due diligence towards the delivery of a State-of-the-Art facility, for that institution, and efforts to ensure transparency and participation, of all eligible firms/contractors, in the bidding process.


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