Director Of Hospital Services Calls On Grenadians To Be Proactive And Take Good Care Of Their Health


The director of Hospital Services, Dr. Carol Mc Intosh, sends out a reminder to the Nation’s citizens that COVID-19 doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon, basing that assertion on what’s happening on the global front.

She says while developments to offer health care services to all are going along at a rapid pace, citizens of Grenada need to be aware that vaccination is here to put the country in good stead to combat the virus.

And, apart from that she says being conscious at all times to abide by the protocols to guard against the virus is also another variable that works.

She says the hospital is always ready in the battle but people also have that responsibility in the first line of defense.Β 

Dr. Mc Intosh also says while efforts are in train decentralizing hospital services with upgrades in major facilities around the country, with emphasis also on poly clinics, the Nation’s citizens must make it their priority to take care of themselves.


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