During the month of September 2019 the T. A. Marryshow Community College received a donation of wrought iron gates and window security bars from two (2) donors. Sisales Ltd sponsored the installation valued at $7220.00. The contractor, Roystonโs Welding Shop, realising the need for some additional wrought iron work, made an in-kind donation valued at $560.00. The scope of work was completed under the refurbishment component of the Hybrid Telecommunications Upgrade Project.
The addition of wrought iron works to six (6) classrooms at the Tanteen Campus will help to improve the security of the rooms and the ICT equipment that are earmarked for installation within each room.
The College officials say it is grateful to both donors for their timely assistance and their support to improving the delivery of tertiary education in Grenada.
Donors who are interested in partnering with the College to support this project can contact Ms. Ayanna Williams, Project Lead and Coordinator for Resource Mobilisation, via ayannaw@tamcc.edu.gd or via telephone (473)-440-1389 ext 2344 or (473)-405-0794.