Education Minister, David Andrew, has broken his silence responding to concerns bandied about over the past few weeks of the Health and Family Life Curriculum in the Nation’s schools changing to include discussion about sexual education.

This has been the subject of discussion in several quarters, following a Caribbean Teachers Federation (CTF) workshop here recently, with participants expressing concern over presentations which allegedly suggested introducing the sexuality conversation into the curriculum.

Much was said about the LGBTQ affair into the mix.

Talk on this has been creating controversy throughout the region, with the Bahamas government, based on what was proposed, taking strong objection, and in the mainstream, there’s been talk about LGBTQ education.

It prompted the Head of the GUT here to speak out on the issue, after teachers at a workshop here complained to him of the presentations and their discomfort.

The GUT Boss categorically objected, saying no the proposals and presentations in Grenada’s schools.

With the talk making the rounds of introducing sexuality information to school children in the Health and Family Life education curriculum, parents widespread have been seeking answers.

Speaking publicly on the issue for the first time, Education Minister, Senator David Andrew, told a meeting of the Upper Chamber of the Nation’s Parliament, that there’s no intention to change the curriculum and he is struggling to understand the cries of those concerned.

He says “There is no plan to introduce any such curriculum in the Nation’s schools with sexual connotation.

Senator Andrew highlighted a document, which, according to him, may have aroused the controversy, referring to it as an international technical guidance on sexuality education.

Senator Andrew further intimated he’s aware of the document.

Senator Andrew reiterates there’s no plan to change the curriculum to introduce sexual education, or a new LGBTQ curriculum or anything of that sort.

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