Grenada’s most entertaining and prolific calypso specialist, Elimus Gilbert (Inspector) has copped an award, courtesy the Masters of Calypso Promotion company.

Inspector performed at their 2022 annual Masters of Calypso show at spice Basket last evening in acknowledgement of Mother’s Day.  

It was one of the many occasions set aside on the week-end recognizing the role of the Nation’s Mothers in the upliftment of society.  

Inspector, who has been around the calypso stage from since his junior years had at one time dedicated one of his renditions paying tribute to the energies of motherhood.  

He noted having a fantastic show last evening and is pleased to have serenaded the Nation’s womenfolk.

He says the award given to him is humbling and is very appreciative.   

Well, the ladies of the night had a wonderful time and Inspector could only look forward to a bright future with their guidance.   

With the Nation’s women playing their role, he’s clamouring for a more productive society where, according to him, communication will be key in parents imparting knowledge over to their children, especially in this technologically-changing era.

Elimus Gilbert, (Inspector), who has been fortunate to taste victory in every phase of competition in the calypso artform in Grenada. 

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