Fiscal Reports Over A Three-Month Period Show Grenada Exceeds Revenue Targets


Fiscal reports here for the months of April, May and June, show the Government of Grenada earning more than the targeted revenue projected in the 2021 Budget.


For the 3-month period, total revenue collections equalled 175.9 million EC dollars, 18.6 million above target or 32.7 million dollars more than revenues collected for the corresponding 3-month period in 2020.

International transactions are reported to have yielded the most revenue, with Customs and Excise collecting more than 80 million EC dollars during those 3 months under review.

Equally, for the 3-month period expenditure is said to have exceeded targets by 8.4 million dollars and totalling some 167.9 million, excluding principal repayments on debt.

According to the Annual Debt Report for 2020, the total public debt amounted to 70.6% of GDP.

The annual report stated that โ€œBased on a preliminary in-house debt sustainability analysis, public debt is projected to decrease over the medium term (2021 โ€“ 2023), moving from 65.7% of GDP in 2021 to 62.7% in 2023,โ€ Selwin Noel, Wee FM News.


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