Foreign Affairs Minister, Joseph Andall, says significant progress has been made with the appointments of people to lead the countryโs diplomatic missions abroad.
Foreign Minister Andall made the announcement of some 14 appointments in the ambassadorial circle.
The Peopleโs Republic of China, Ambassador Ian Marshall who will be supported by First Secretary Tricia Bethel ; the Embassy of Grenada to the Kingdom of Belgium and Permanent Mission to the European Union will be represented by Ambassador Raphael Joseph who will be assisted by Simbar St. Bernard ;UK High Commissioner, Rechae Croney, with First Secretary, Lorney Bartholomew; Grenadaโs Ambassador to the US, Mexico, OAS Permanent Representative, as well as High Commissioner to Canada, Tarley Francis.
Francis will be assisted by Dr. Wendell Cornwall.
Grenadaโs Embassy in Havana Cuba is headed by Glen Noel, and will be able assisted by First Secretary, Sabrina Dumont.
Hasan Hadeed has been retained as Ambassador to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Colombia and Panama. A first Secretary to assist Mr. Hadeed is to be selected.
Grenadaโs UN Mission will be headed by Che Phillip, who will be assisted by First Secretary, Nerissa Williams.
Heading the New York Consulate will be Michael Brizan and replacing Brizan where he was based in the Trinidad and Tobago Capital, Port-of-Spain will be Elwyn McQuilkin, known the calypso World as Black Wizard.
The Toronto Consulate will be headed by Jerry Hopkin and the Consulate in Dubai will be headed by Zia Rahaman, prominent Grenadian businessman to exploit opportunities that exist there and subsequently the African continent.
There was indication by the Foreign Minister that health remains under the microsope as priority, included in the sectoral interestsโ appointments.