GHTA and Compete Caribbean to Boost Grenada Floriculture Industry


The Grenada Floriculture Industry will receive a tremendous boost in building sustainability and satisfying local and export demand as a result of a public private sector partnership between the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association (GHTA), the Flower Arrangers and Growers Association of Grenada Inc., the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility (CCPF) and the Ministry of Agriculture. CCPF is a multi-donor Trust Fund, jointly funded by the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development, Inter-American Development Bank, the Government of Canada and the Caribbean Development Bank.

Following on the positive synergies created by the collaboration between the Grenada Hotel and Tourism Association, the Compete Partnership Facility, the Grenada Tourism Authority and the Ministry of Tourism in the development of the highly successful Pure Grenada brand, the GHTA as a socially responsible business support organization,  identified the floricultural sector as an area which required support in relation to its added value to the Grenada tourism product as well as the agricultural sector.

The rise in tourism has resulted in increased stay over visitors and yacht arrivals which has led to increased demand for our exotic tropical flowers.  There has also been an increased demand as well as a call for more variety of flowers in both the local and visitors’ markets for weddings, graduations, funerals etc. as client expectations with regard to their events require more sophisticated and extravagant outlays.

The project will entail webinars to improve the producers’ and employees’ knowledge base and technical capacity, pilot greenhouse and bio-gas projects, website development and a supply and demand app to connect producers and arrangers.

The project will kick off in June 2020 with a virtual launch.


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