Government Launches Spice Replanting Programme


The Government of Grenada, through the Ministry of Agriculture, is intensifying efforts to increase the production of spices with the launch of the Spice Replanting Programme.

The symbolic launch occurred at the St. David’s Roman Catholic School in Bellevue St. David on Tuesday, September 13.

The government wants to have 100,000 spices under production in different locations around the island, and has strategically selected St. David to start the process, in a bid to bring back spice production prominence to that parish.

Before Hurricane Ivan in 2004, St. David cultivated various spices – Nutmeg, Cocoa, Bois Bande, Pimento, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Sapote, and Tonka bean, among others.

However, the loss of spice plantations, coupled with poor management of existing fields, resulted in a significant decline.

“This event today indicates government’s serious attitude towards agriculture. This will be the first official garden of this project,” said Minister of State with Responsibility for Agriculture and Lands, Fisheries and Cooperatives, Senator Adrian Thomas, as he underscored the importance of starting the programme in St. David.

He said, “St. David is the King of Spice in Grenada, Carriacou, and Petite Martinique. Clove, Cinnamon, Sapote, Clove, Tonka Bean, and the likes were all known to be produced in St. David.”

The project will not concentrate only on the traditional and locally known spices, it will also allow for the introduction of new spices to Grenada. Senator Thomas said it is government’s responsibility to ensure that the “Isle of Spice” is retained and maintained.

Principal of the St. David’s Roman Catholic School, Nicole Baptiste, said this initiative is
encouraging for the future agriculture worker.

“As we witness our Minister for Agriculture demonstrate and lead the way in replanting our spices, we hope this initiative will invoke a drive in our young boys and girls to plant, nurture and continue to produce all of our different spices in Grenada,” she said.

The launch was witnessed by residents of the Bellevue community. Resident Mark Anthony Francis said the programme is a welcomed initiative. “…as it is done around children, who would recognise what is being done and be taught how it should be done, it may encourage them to become farmers one day.

I think it is an excellent project and should put us in a good position down the line.”

Another resident, Reginald Telesford, said this initiative would benefit the country economically.

The Spice Replanting Programme will be implemented in every parish in Grenada.

Ministry of Agriculture…ensuring food and nutrition security for all


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