More than 21,000 low-income households in Grenada will begin to receive a  $10 electricity subsidy from the Government, resulting in lower electricity costs for these  households on a monthly basis for the next 12 months. Customers will begin to see the subsidy  on their February bills from the Grenada Electricity Services Ltd. (GRENLEC).

This relief measure forms part of the Government’s efforts to ease cost of living expenses for  citizens. The cost to the Government for February is $176,140.

In addition, low-income households that consume less than 100 kWh per month will not meet  the threshold for the payment of the Value Added Tax (VAT) nor the Environmental Levy,  resulting in additional savings.

The public is reminded that all GRENLEC customers who do not qualify for the subsidy will pay  VAT at the lower rate of 7.5% instead of the previous rate of 15%. This relief will result in  significant savings for all categories of GRENLEC customers.

The Government takes this opportunity to remind the public of the importance of energy efficiency and conservation and reiterates its commitment to reducing the impact of high energy  costs on the population.

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