The solemnity in the Sister Isles over the death last month of former MP Elvin Nimrod will take on a different dimension tomorrow when he’ll be laid to rest.

There’ll be an official funeral ceremony at the Lauriston Mini Stadium, beginning half-past twelve.

Flags on most administrative buildings will be flown at half-mast.

Elvin Nimrod, who served as MP for the Sister Isles for nearly two decades, is recognized as the man who pioneered the developmental take-off in his home territory.

Taking over from Mr. Nimrod at the time of the 2018 general election, Kindra Mathurine Stewart, who was successful at the polls and now holds one of the portfolios, (Legal Affairs) which was held by her predecessor, says Nimrod charted the course with great vision and humility.

The MP for Carriacou and Petite describes Mr. Nimrod as an exemplar of the patriotic spirit, for the memories left behind are his reward.

Kindra Mathurine Stewart, MP for Carriacou and Petite Martinique.

During his life of service, Mr. Nimrod held many portfolios, including Attorney General and Minister for Legal Affairs.

He was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, Minister for Labour and Deputy Prime Minister.

Glorifying his contribution, and, being a man versed in law, the Supreme Court of Grenada held a special sitting looking at the life and times of a man who lived a life for service.

Attorney General, Dia Forrester.

The Director of Public Prosecutions, (DPP) Christopher Nelson, echoes the sentiments that Mr. Nimrod was an approachable gentleman.

Dr. Francis Alexis QC remembers Mr. Nimrod as one of the persons who played a major role in shaping the outlook on life of young people within the St. George’s area.

Being a man in politics and law, like Mr. Nimrod, Dr. Alexis says the former Carriacou and Petite Martinique MP held no grudges.

Dr. Alexis had mentioned a scenario wherein an argument he held a different view to the Attorney general and was strong in his conviction but that never deterred Nimrod’s demeanour.

 Dr. Alexis QC, one among the many Attorneys who today paid glowing tribute to one-time Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, who died February 6, 2021 in the United States.


Mr. Nimrod will be laid to rest in his native Carriacou tomorrow, after an official funeral ceremony at the Lauriston Mini Stadium.


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