Grenada National Population And Housing Census Off To A Start With Enumeration Of The Homeless Population


The central statistical office is now said to be moving full speed ahead with the enumeration for the 2021 National Population and Housing Census.

Census day was officially launched yesterday with the enumeration of the homeless population throughout the island.

The first cohort of census enumerators was dispatched November last year to begin mapping and collection of data, including telephone numbers and head of household to help expedite the on-telephone interview process.

Grenadaโ€™s census was postponed on two occasions due to spikes in the COVID-19 virus.

Director of Statistics, Halim Brizan, says theyโ€™ll be working closely with the Ministry of Social Development and the Royal Grenada Police Force to help enumerate the homeless population.

The second batch of supervisors and enumerators are now being trained to begin field work by the end of the month.


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