Information from the cruise sector is that Grenada will this year be partnering with the World Cruising Club for the hosting of the 9th Annual Atlantic Rally for Cruisers event.

Petra Louison has been following this story and files this report.


 The Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) is an annual transatlantic sailing event for cruiser yachts, which has been held since 1986.

 It also includes a sailing competition for racers.

 A release says the world class sailing event is already fully booked with 100 boats, set to depart Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sunday 7th November to Grenada’s Camper and Nicholson’s Port Louis Marina.

The five-week event is expected to allow for a more safe and enjoyable experience with greater camaraderie for the arriving crews, as well as diverse experiences.

Promising a warm welcome to the transatlantic sailors, Grenada’s Tourism Minister, Dr. Clarice Modeste-Curwen, says Grenada is excited to host the established world class yachting event whilst observing thorough health and safety protocols, taking the covid pandemic into consideration..

Excited about the event, Managing Director of World Cruising Club, Andrew Bishop, says they’re anticipating a great partnership, one he believes will give participants a thrilling Caribbean experience, and to bring the fleet together for the first time.

GTA Chairman, Barry Collymore, believes the partnership will signal to the World that Grenada is open and rebounding, ready to welcome visitors in a safe environment.

Crews are expected to make landfall at Camper and Nicholson’s Port Louis Marina December 1 to 6, with the event concluding with a prize-giving ceremony on the 9th December. Petra Louison, Wee Fm News.


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