Grenada Police Says In View Of The Current Svg Situation It Is Stepping Up Surveillance


The Royal Grenada Police Force has reportedly activated its response plan dealing with law enforcement, safety and security of the State of Grenada, considering support here for the Vincentian Volcano eruption evacuation process.

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Michael Francois, speaking at a News Conference this morning says the RGPF is on the alert.

He noted that the situation will pose an additional burden on the force but itโ€™s one that it was planning for some time now.

Deputy Police Commissioner Francois says the RGPF has adopted a two-pronged surveillance approach.

Francois says the RGPF will be vigilant every step of the way, also taking into consideration COVID-19 and he also wants citizens here to be on the lookout.

Well, at the time of compiling this special Primetime production, it was brought to our attention that there are regular rumblings at the La Soufreire and at somewhere between 2.45 and 3.15 this afternoon there were two minor explosions.

The Seismic observatory measured that they spewed ash somewhere in the vicinity of 4 kilometres into the air.


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