The Ministry of Agriculture here is putting plans in place to deal with the Lethal Yellowing disease which affects coconut plants.
Key stakeholders in the coconut industry have been acquainted with the experiences of regional countries, whose production levels have been impacted by the Lethal Yellowing disease.
A disease caused by a phytoplasma.
The country office of the Caribbean Agriculture and Research Development Institute (CARDI), along with a delegation from the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the Coconut Industry Board of Jamaica (CIB) organized a one-day exercise with support from the Ministry of Agriculture.
The exercise was geared at edifying stakeholders about the pest, control measures and recommended agronomic practices for coconuts.
Two of Grenadaโs extension officers attended the workshop we now hear from Anisha Hosten.ย
Glenville Lambert another extension officer says itโs important to have the information on the disease beforehand.