Statement By The Minister For Health

I announce that today, Thursday, March 26th, 2020, Grenada records six other laboratory confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Among the six cases are persons who came in some form of contact with our first recorded case, that we announced on Sunday.

The six new cases are now in isolation and being monitored by health officials. The Ministry continues with aggressive contact tracing, in an effort to ascertain and mitigate further spread of the virus.

I also must report that at least one of these new cases is imported, and was on the same flight, within a six foot radius, of Patient Zero, our original case. The other cases are from the same household as Patient Zero. Again, I assure you, that our medical team has been actively following up and engaged in contact tracing; and are already moving to isolate and monitor several others, who were in close contact with any of these new cases. This will continue for the next 14 days, at least.

The persons are all exhibiting mild symptoms at this time, so we are encouraged, but, definitely not complacent.

Allow me to take the opportunity to report that Patient Zero was hospitalized earlier this week, but is now again stable and her symptoms are back to being mild to moderate.

I also report, that, in the aftermath of learning of our first confirmed case, health care officials had moved, days ago, to isolate other members of the household, to ensure that any potential for further spreading was minimized.

We have already reported these six new cases to the World Health Organization (WHO), and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The public is advised to report or inform the Ministry of Health or nearest health facility, of any possible, or suspected persons displaying acute respiratory symptoms at this time.

Whatever you do, if you believe you are exhibiting symptoms of the virus, do not leave your house. Do not take public transportation.

Call the COVID-19 Helplines: 458-4787 or 538-4787.

In closing, as the Minister of Health, I cannot reiterate enough, that as a population, we must continue to heighten our awareness of, and rigidly observe the practices and precautions necessary to contain the spread of COVID-19, here in the State of Grenada.

Wash your hands frequently; practice proper cough and sneeze hygiene; do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands. It is extremely critical that you also maintain social distancing of at least six feet. I cannot stress that enough.

We are now in a Limited State of Emergency, designed to contain and curb the spread of COVID-19. I urge you to abide by the regulations of this 21 day period.

If we all do our part, we will be able to win the battle against this deadly disease.



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