Grenada To Benefit From Initiative On Improving Access To Sustainable Marine Conservation In The Region 


A move is in the making by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and the MPAConnect Network where Grenada will be among the 4-member Windward Islands focus grouping to benefit under the programme.  


The implementing partners are collaborating to promote investment in Caribbean marine conservation, through capacity building for the mobilization of resources from conservation trust funds.  

The general view is that raising reliable, long-term financing for operations of marine conservation is the most pressing management need, according to one official. 

An article out of the OECS Commission shows that a meaningful MPA sustainable financing plan requires a mix of several financing mechanisms, including the conservation trust fund. 

Conservation trust funds are said to have greatly increased in the Caribbean region and the legally independent institutions are expected to play a growing role in marine conservation financing in the coming years.  

One aspect falls within support of nature-based solutions to climate change and as the blue economy grows.  

We understand that regional voluntary guidelines are being developed to shed light for MPA managers, governments, the private sector and other actors, on what they should know about improving their operations, to effectively access and manage sustainable marine conservation financing opportunities.   

While the four Windward Islands are placed at the frontburner for the principal focus of work, the perspective of the wider OECS will also be considered within the ongoing scheme, and, at a later stage, the scope will include other CARICOM states.


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