Prime Minister, Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell has expresses condolences on the passing of Sir Lester Bird, former Prime Minister and national hero of Antigua and Barbuda.

Sir Lester, the son of the one-time father of the Antigua/Barbuda Nation, Vere Bird, died this morning at age 83.

Dr. Mitchell, the current Chairman of the OECS Authority, says the Caribbean has lost one of its illustrious sons.

The late Sir Lester Bird was first elected to the House of Representatives in in that country in 1976 and was appointed Deputy Prime Minister.

In 1994, he led the Antigua Labour Party to victory in general elections and became Prime Minister.

He also served two terms as Chairman of the OECS.

Reflecting on his interaction with Sir Lester, Dr. Mitchell described him as a ready and willing source of advice and inspiration, particularly when he was first elected as Prime Minister.

Dr. Mitchell said, “Sir Lester made a valuable contribution to regional discourse on numerous issues.

In the ensuing years, both leaders are known to have shared a very close relationship.

According to Dr. Mitchell, Sir Lester was very approachable and he’ll be forever grateful for the many conversations they had and the advice the former Antigua/Barbuda Prime Minister selflessly imparted.

As he takes his departure from this life, Dr. Mitchell says he can only extend deepest condolences to his family and to the Government and people of Antigua/Barbuda.

He says, and I quote, “Our sister nation has lost a hero and the Caribbean has lost one of our most renowned leaders,” Unquote.

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