Grenadian Leader Stands In The Corner Of The Nation’s Health Care Workers


Prime Minister, Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, stands together with the Nation’s health care workers noting his understanding of the hectic time they are enduring in the fight against the Coronavirus.

Considered frontline workers, Dr. Mitchell admires their tenacity, being put under immense pressure now, with the increased number of persons requiring medical intervention.

He sees it as unfair that the Nation’s nurses and doctors and others on the frontline are paying a heavy price for what he terms “irresponsible actions”.

Dr. Mitchell says it pains him to see they are bearing the brunt of this crisis, having to put their lives at risk every day.

With the understanding that the current COVID environment requires many healthcare professionals on the frontline to go beyond the call of duty, he calls it an enormous burden and applauds many of them for their continued dedication to serving the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique.


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