It’s June 19 today, a date that’s always in the minds of Grenadian citizens, remembering the tragic bomb blast in 1980 in the National Revolutionary Government rally at Queens Park. 

Grenadians who lived through that era would always be noticed on this day reflecting on the horror that existed 43 years back when three people died, two schoolgirls among them and some one hundred were injured.

A long-time militia man, Devon Romain, a student of GBSS at the time, remembers the moment.

 Romain says he has learnt several lessons of circumstances of such nature, especially where a mammoth political event, was short-circuited in sadness.

When we spoke with him, Romain urged the Nation to pay homage to the historic event, since lives were sacrificed.

Romain noted that the event was sudden and took all by surprise and has learnt the lesson that Grenadians need to appreciate each other more.

When contacted to provide details about the situation, Romain remembered vividly being caught up in revolutionary action, more on the basis of youth inquisitiveness.


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