Grenlec Calls On Consumers To Conserve Energy With World Petroleum Prices Skyrocketting


Grenada electricity company (GRENLEC) sends out notice encouraging customers to manage their electricity usage, in the face of rising world fuel prices.

It has indicated that this has pushed electricity rates to their highest level since March 2020.

GRENLEC noted that over the course of 2020, fuel prices remained relatively low, ending the year with the fuel charge at 29 cents.

Since January 2021, GRENLEC says there has been a 12 cent increase in the fuel charge per kilowatt hour for electricity.

The effect of rising fuel prices is said to be seen globally.

And, on this score, consumers in Grenada have been observing higher electricity bills, as well as higher prices at gas stations because of the higher world fuel prices.

Commenting on the situation, GRENLEC’s General Manager, Collin Cover, indicated, that the Company has been actively promoting energy efficiency through its advertising and social media platforms and continues to raise consumer awareness to help customers of electricity cope.

Cover says the dictates of the global petroleum operations have pushed up the prices, out of the control of small countries, which makes it prudent for customers to conserve electricity.


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