President of the Grenada Trades’ Union Council, Andre Lewis, holds the view that the issues of COVID-19 must be properly managed, especially in the nation’s schools.

Lewis made the point today during WEEFM’s morning programme with host Patrick ‘Shaggy’ Duncan.

It was against the backdrop of concerns by the Grenada Union of Teachers (GUT), relating to potential plans to ease the COVID physical distancing protocol from schools.

Lewis believes everything must be done to mitigate against the possible infection and spread here of the Coronavirus.

Head of the GUT is firm in saying that the removal of physical distancing in schools at this time creates an unsafe teaching and learning environment.

Andall, in making his argument, compared the schools’ COVID-handling situation here to that of neighbouring territories.

The TUC President is of the view that the concerns raised by the GUT are very valid.

We made attempts to contact the Chief Education Officer for comment but that has proven futile.

As it relates to a decision by the Ministry of Tourism to enter into special arrangements with regional cruise ships for passengers to visit and at least have access to our beaches at this time doesn’t seem like an easy pill for the TUC Senator to swallow.

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