Republic Bank says it’s to assist in the upgrade of the Hillsview Home for the Aged and will be constructing a dining/recreational room to serve the senior residents.


Located in Gouyave, St. John, the Hillsview Home was established in 1980 to provide safe, low-cost housing to accommodate the senior citizens within the rural parish.

Currently, the Home serves 32 residents (12 males and 20 females).

Republic Bank says the much-needed upgrade will help alleviate spacing constraints on the lower level of the structure, which is over 100 years old.

The additional space, it says, will not only allow the senior citizens the basic comfort of having their meals sitting at a table, but will also serve as a recreational area, where the staff and residents can engage in daily physical exercises and other recreational activities.

The latest act of philanthropy, Republic Bank says, is directly aligned to the “Power to Care” programme, one of four pillars on which the institution’s social investment programme, the “Power to Make A Difference” is founded.

Hillview Home for the Aged is one of the early beneficiaries when the programme was first launched in 2004.

The Bank reportedly funded the construction of a wing to accommodate six single bedrooms and a restroom, at a contribution of 147,000 dollars.

The newly-proposed project runs in the range of 80,000 dollars.

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