Grenada is sometimes labeled as the tourist capital of the world, a notion that’s usually debated in Agricultural circles, even now that there’s an official marriage between the two, with the birth of the Pure Grenada brand.

Amazingly so, Grenada, in times, has been attracting many of the World’s popular figures, philanthropists, comedians, artistes…prominent individuals of World fame.

Well, there’s something Petra is aware of and files this report.


This week, we got a scoop that Hollywood Actor Steven Seagal, was around…the Steven Seagal, who possesses exquisite skill in martial arts and has a fan-base in the thousands.

Usually, when such people come to our shores, it always arouses curiosity.

Going to the movies to see Seagal perform, is far different when you notice him in Grenada visiting tourism locations of interest and observing the natural topography.

It may occur that something has caught his fancy…and yes, that’s the Grenada I know…there’s always something to catch the eye.

Well, his visit here prompted us to find out whether he’s engaged in a movie or on some business venture or a humanitarian mission, but whatever it may be, it means despite the COVID period, Grenada is still attracting big guests of World acclaim. Put it this way, Grenada is open for business.

Getting around for information on Seagal in Grenada at first was a real challenge for most people who we felt was key to hosting him had the info like “top secret”, but putting two and two together, it looks like he has interest in business.

If his intention is to invest, it would probably be a plus for the Nation’s economy, and it may well be that Steven can invite like minds to come have a tour, since he’s captivated by the beautiful Grenada landscape.

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